Volunteer Form
Contact Information











From our perspective, there are few things more rewarding than helping a lonely dog find love and happiness. At Promises, dedicated volunteers are the backbone of our organization. We are always looking for fellow animal lovers to lend their time and their talents to improving our organization and helping more dogs in need. If you are interested in becoming a Promises volunteer, please tell us more about yourself in the space below. Please note: In order to work hands on with the dogs, you must be 18 years of age or older, however there are many other activities that are available to volunteers who are under 18 years. We encourage you to check these out and we look forward to working with you in the future.


Please tell us more about yourself and where you may be able to assist our dogs below. Thank you!

Note: If you are under 18 years of age, our insurance prevents you from working directly with the dogs. However, we have a number of other projects that you may be able to assist with. *




Please indicate by selecting all the areas of interest to you (there are 14 total options).

Note: hold down the Cntrl key to select multiple items


Please provide your first Reference NAME, EMAIL and PHONE NUMBER.






